German Sculpture
This scarce stereo book was published

It has 120 pages, with 6 out 8 full-page photos, thick, beveled boards with six cut-outs to hold the
106 out of 135 original stereographs (2-2/7" x 5") of the Artists and Art, and the metal viewer.
the superb outdoor art of Josef Wackerie, the fabulous nudes of Fritz Klimsch,
and the sculptures of Ferdinand Liebermann are wonderfully presented.
The images are, of course, double images printed from a negative onto photographic paper and appear very realistic
(3-dimensional) when viewed by the viewer. No other photographic process can give the viewer the same feeling of actually "being there".
Each image is numbered and has a full description of the scene on the back.
Approx/Measurements of the book: 11-3/4" x 8-1/2" ~2.9 lbs.
Condition of this stereoview book:
The book is in fine exterior and very good interior condition.
The index pages and two photo plates in the rear are missing.
29 stereo photographs are missing (# 3,26,29,32,37,51,65,75,76,77,78,79,
The remaining 106 stereographs are in very good condition. Two photographs slightly stained.
The metal viewer is in very good condition.