sub titled: The Year Book of the German Girl

Rare German BDM Year Book with many illustrations and stories on everything a girl is interested in. The emphasis in this volume is about supporting the war, the auxiliary military service; with girls and young women helping in arms and airplane factories, service on farms, hospital service, teaching children, Kindergarten etc.
Other chapters are about the daily life, politics, Jungmadel leisure time, BDM in action, Arbeitsmaiden (work maidens), european youth rally in Weimar, Wehrmacht reports, Wolf Willrich drawings, building the General Government, with the red cross, Margarethe von Wrangell, with the Afrikakorps (DAK), National Political Institute of Education in Luxembourg, making parachutes for the Fallschirmjager, Madam Doctor, Danzig West Prussia, the Germanic Face, Strassbourg
Large chapter with very interesting photo reports on the female organizations in other European countries like NSJV in Flanders, Lotta Svärd in Finland, the G.I.L. Gioventu Italiana del Littorio in Italy, Accademia femminile della GIL in Orvieto, Duce, the Falange Femenina in Spain, the female labour service in the Netherlands, Norway and Denmark; with the girls in Sofia in Bulgaria, the Escadrila Sanitara in Romania, and the Dai Nippon sei -- shonen dan in Japan.
Bashing the USA and Russia, art, sculptors, making jewelry and so much more ....
This is Vol. 4 of the series!