This book was a special publication of the Reichsorganisationsleiter of the NSDAP and was not to be sold through the book trade in Germany according to a notice inside the front cover. It was published in Berlin without a year, but apparently in 1936.
The book explains the system of Ordensburgen (Nazi Order Castles) in place in Germany and precisely how, by properly educating the very best people in the NSDAP, SS, SA, NSKK and HJ, the future of Germany would be assured through these “successors”. The book tells which racially pure Germans could qualify for attendance at one of the three Ordensburgen and what the curriculum would offer to leadership candidates who came to study.
The huge photographs in the book show some of the instructors and provide their credentials (many early Party members and Blood Order owners). There are big photos taken at the Ordensburg facilities at Vogelsang in the Eifel along the Belgian border, Crössinsee in Pommern (east of Berlin) and at Sonthofen not far from the border with Switzerland. There is even a full-page Hermann Giesler drawing or ,,Lageplan”, at a scale of 1:1000 for the finished and yet-to-be completed work at Ordensburg Sonthofen.
Near the back of the book are huge photos of the technical side of the Ordensburgen - an enormous wash room, a beautifully appointed kitchen, a power plant, etc. The book ends by explaining the criteria under which Ordensburgen were built, their capacity as schools, how they had to be integrated into the landscape, etc. A very rare and informative book on a virtually unknown and unstudied subject. |