It begins with black & white illustrations of the first uniforms of the Party in 1923 but quickly switches over to an alphabetical encyclopedic guide to all items of uniform material and insigne in full-color.
Because of the way the book is organized it moves from Achselstucke (shoulder boards) to Zweidornschnalle (two-prong belt buckles) slowly, illustrating most items with big, clear color renderings that are far superior to any color photograph of the time.
The are service uniforms, visor caps, collar and shoulder insigne, arm bands, belt buckles, sleeve insignia, pins, badges, flags, gorgets, scarf knots, cufflinks, party pins, Deutschland Erwache standards, cuff bands, pennants, etc.
Though not illustrated, encyclopedic entries such as Dolch der S.A. are wonderfully informative about the genesis of the item, how it was worn, and under what circumstances.
Among the uniforms shown in big full-color illustrations are: SS Adjutant, BdM, SA Fuhrer, Preußischen Feldjagerkorps Scharfuhrer, SA Scharführer, Hitlerjugend, Deutsche Jungvolk, Hochland SA Mann, SA overcoat, SA Marine Sturm, Motor SA Sturmfuhrer, SA Reitersturm, Political Leaders, SS Scharführer, SA Spielmann, SA Spielmannzugführer, SS Sturmführer, SS Standarte Adolf Hitler, etc.
This rare book from Freiherr von Eelking is missing in most of the advanced book collections! Many collectors have not seen an original in fourty years! |