The German Navy
This scarce stereo book was published

It has 83 pages, with 8 full page plates in color, thick bevelled boards with five recesses to hold the
100 original stereographs (2-2/7" x 5") and the metal viewer.
It's depicting the German Navy with many nice shots, including Battleships Scharnhorst and Gneisenau,
Destroyer, Schnellboot (PT-Boat), Minenräumboot (minesweeper), U-Boot (U-boat) and others ...
The pictures are of course, double pictures, printed on photographic paper from a negative, and appear very realistic
(3-dimensional) when examined in the viewer. No other photo process can give the viewer an equal feeling of actually
“being there”. Each picture is numbered and has a complete description of the scene printed on the back.
Approx/Measurements of the book: 11-1/4" x 8" ~2.7 lbs.
Condition of this stereoview book:
The book is in fine condition.
The fragile paper of the boards and spine is almost like new, beside the fading.
Usually it's very damaged, especially along the spine.
The 100 stereographs are in near mint condition.
The metal viewer is in fine condition. The recess for the viewer with two tears.
That's the best copy I ever had for sale! Very very hard to find in that condition!

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Airmail shipping with recorded delivery to any destination in the world: $22.95