12 Original Obersalzberg Photos
Original photos in protective sleeve from the Obersalzberg
The photos showing the Kehlsteinhaus (Eagles Nest), Loop-holes and subterranean kennel, Hitler's Berghof,
wire-railway against Untersberg, Ruins of Hitler's Berghof after WWII bombing, the blowing up of Hitler's Berghof in 1952,
Platterhof, ruins of Platterhof and houses of Bormann and Hitler, bombed Berghof with Hoher Goll and Kehlstein,
view from the work-room through the large window against Untersberg
The publication date is not exactly known, but I estimate that it was published shortly after the detonation.
Photos in fine, sleeve in very good condition.
Approx/Measurements of each photo: 2-1/2" x 3-1/2"

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