The Rebirth of Greater Germany
Historic Hours Along The Danube
This scarce stereo book was published
by Raumbild-Verlag Otto Schonstein / Schönstein
It has 88 pages, with 8 full page plates mounted on cardboard pages,
thick bevelled boards with five recesses to hold the
100 original stereographs (2 2/7" x 5") of Austria and the metal viewer.
The book consists of a well-written text by Dr. Karl Bartz on the subject of the liberation of
and reunification with Austria by Nazi Germany.
There is a full-page, full-color portrait of both Adolf Hitler and Hermann Goring in
the text as well as six other full-page plates depicting significant people and material from
the Anschluß.
I know of no other way to observe a three-dimensional view of the house in which Hitler was born
in Braunau, the grave of Hitler's parents in Leonding, Hitler's huge Mercedes-Benz car
or the triumphal entry of Hitler into Austria in March 1938.
Naturally, the subject of the Anschluß is rather broad in its scope. Among the 100
three-dimensional views are Hitler's triumphal entry into Austria, cheering crowds welcoming him,
replacing Dollfuß Platz street signs with Adolf Hitler Platz street signs, marching Hitler Youth and
SA formations, huge crowds in Salzburg, Hitler in his rail car, Hitler and his entourage
(including Reichsfuhrer-SS Heinrich Himmler and SS-General Reinhard Heydrich), battle damage at the
Marxhof, graves of Nazi heroes, the arrival of Rudolf Hess, Hilfszug Bayern in Wien, Reichsstatthalter
Seyss-Inquart and much more ...
The pictures are of course, double pictures, printed on photographic paper from a negative, and appear very realistic
(3-dimensional) when examined in the viewer. No other photo process can give the viewer an equal feeling of actually
“being there”. Each picture is numbered and has a complete description of the scene printed on the back.
Approx/Measurements of the book: 11-3/4" x 8-1/2" ~2.9 lbs.
Condition of this stereoview book:
The book is in good exterior and good interior condition.
Extremities rubbed, pages occasionally slightly foxed or finger stained, otherwise ok.
The 100 stereographs are in very good condition.
The metal viewer is in very good condition.