Extra Volume 1 / Pre Volume - The Fight Years 1918-1933 - Die Kampfjahre

200-300 photos on plates within 111 picture pages

Volume 1 - The Third Reich I - 1933 - The First Year

150-200 photos on plates within ~80 picture pages

Volume 2 - The Third Reich II - 1934 - The Second Year

150-200 photos on plates within ~80 picture pages

Volume 3 - The Third Reich III - 1935 - The Third Year

180-220 photos and illustrations on plates within ~95 picture pages

Volume 4 - The Third Reich IV - 1936 - The Fourth Year

200-250 photos and illustrations on plates within ~95 picture pages

Volume 5 - The Third Reich V - 1937 - The Fifth Year

180-220 photos and illustrations on plates within ~95 picture pages

Volume 6 - The Third Reich VI - 1938 - The Sixth Year

180-220 photos and illustrations on plates within ~95 picture pages

Extra Volume 2 - Das Großdeutsche Reich
The Austrian Fight Years 1918-1938 - Die österreichischen Kampfjahre

180-220 photos on plates within 95 picture pages