Battle in the West / Kampf im Westen
It's subtitled with "Die Soldaten des Fuhrers im Felde II. Band"
It's the second volume of the series and shows the campaign in the West (France, Belgium).
... from Oberstleutnant des Generalstabes, Hasso von Wedel
Abteilungschef im Oberkommando der Wehrmacht und
Reichsamtsleiter Henrich Hansen, Reichspressestelle der N.
80 pages, german text, with 8 colour reproductions of photos,
and 100 original stereographs (5" x 2-2/7"), stereoviewer included!
Thick bevelled boards with five recesses to hold the metal viewer and photographs.
Approx/Measurements: 11-2/3" x 8-1/9" ~2.7 lbs.
When viewed the photos it gives a vivid 3-dimensional image of frontline action.
This scarce stereo book was published
by Raumbild-Verlag Otto Schonstein K.-G. Munchen 23

Condition of this stereoview book:
In good exterior and near fine interior condition.
Faint foxing to boards and top edge, spine darkened, else ok.
The stereo pictures are in near fine condition. The stereo viewer is in very good condition.

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